Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Introduction to Dr. Rama's Therapy Tips, Tools, and Tidbits August 2013

August 31 2013

This is the first blog post on this blog:  Dr. Rama's Therapy Tools, and Tidbits. It is intended to help people obtain different types of suggestions, thoughts, methods, actions, ideas, concepts, practical applications of any all aspect of one's evolution:  mental, emotional, physical and Spiritual.  And of course as I write all of these things I evolve as well!  I base this blog on my experiences so far in life and living, education on all fronts, my day to day experiences, my own pain and shadow side that I have had to contend with (as we all do), in order to heal and grow.  I also use my intuition, Spiritual experiences, and of course my knowledge that comes through my own guides and guidance in both the seen and unseen known and unknown.

This blog is intended to give useful, clear, and simple but profound facets to help us remember, understand and shape of our own inner diamond that exists within all of us.  Without knowing this inner diamond, without polishing and faceting this inner jewel, without allowing it to shine forward we can never know our Higher Self, we can never feel healed and whole.

So hope these are great and useful pearls to be able to shape and transform one's lives in seen and unseen ways.

Dr. R

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